
study help....please.

Okay people....ladies, I should say, since none of my followers have proven to be otherwise...(yes, I do indeed look at every single one of my follower's pages...for now at least. Maybe that'll change? Who knows. anyway.)

Laaaaaaaadies.....(and potential gentleman folk who have hidden their identity...), I need some serious study help. I suuuuuuck at studying, and I really need some tips on what works for you. 

I'm not a highlighter - it doesn't work for me, highlighting key words/phrases just gets it more jumbled. And writing things out does the same too...no fun. So if you just so happen to be like me, and have some tips, shoot me with em? Like. HARD. I want you to use a sniper and penetrate my souuuuuuuuuuul with these tips. Okay? Okay. Cool. 

Happy tuesday, loves. :)


  1. my tip would be to write things over and over until you remember~ it sounds so time consuming and tiring for your hand but it works for me. You can try to see if it works for you!

    xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo

    I’m hosting a giveaway! xoxo

  2. there's a program you can download called cuecard where you create flashcards and go through them on your computer. also, if you have trouble focusing try the pomodoro method -- work for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break. you can google it for more 411!

  3. Oh how I don't miss studying! Yikes. But although I wasn't a highlighter either, it always helped for me to write key words. For example, I would write out a list of words with the main word and helpful words - (like you would do if you were making a tiny cheat sheet for a test). It made me look at the words that were most important and then it was easier to retain and associate the key words. That might help you if you give that a try.
    I do know that sometimes I would read paragraphs and retain nothing. I'm a very hands on person so writing out key words help. Sometimes creating acronyms would help too. Or trying to visualize what I was studying. Depending on what you are studying, maybe make a flow chat? So you can see it in your mind?

  4. I have to write things over and over again to make it stick in my head. Definitely a tedious task but it's proven to work for me in college. I used to take notes during class then go home and re-write them, re-read them to myself, and then out loud (in the car or in my room) until I almost memorized them. I did this a lot of essay outlines. Like when the professor would say two essays out of the five would be on the final. I'd make an outline for each and then study it till I knew all five. Definitely tedious but even as I am interviewing for jobs, I still find it helpful. Good luck :)

  5. *give comment machine a thwap* I've been trying to get this thing working for days.

    http://www.khanacademy.org/ <--- I don't know if you wanted math help, but that's a great interactive site. Very good for math & science, plus it's free.

    And I think that taking notes can some times be counter productive... once I started taking Chem notes with exact definitions and made myself remember each one, and do I remember anything today? (Except for Celsius, no) Sooo.... just from this homeschooler, the best advice I can give you is put your subjects into practice... use the online flashcard thingy on Dictionary.com (very fun); do lots of practice stuff on Khan Academy; use SparkCharts to refresh yourself on subjects you've already studied. SparkCharts don't work if you don't have a clue what the subject is about, unless it's a vocab chart or something.

    Aaaannnddd that advice stunk, but I have more if it helps you. Most of my methods are subject-specific, since I'm less into curriculum. Like Music, for instance. >.< I have the weirdest guitar / piano habits ever. A little insane. xD
