
goals for 2012

I hate new years resolutions - I think they're silly and unrealistic. But I think goals are a good thing. And I like goals. So. I have 12 major goals for this year. Some are on the sillier side but some are more serious too :) and in no particular order, either!
  1. I want to write more music - and record more. Learn more music theory. Maybe even start lessons again, who knows. Eek!
  2. I want to stay in shape! I am in pretty good shape right now, and I want to stay that way! I do not want to lose weight - I just want to stay healthy. 
  3. I want to sew at least one dress every month, in addition to whatever else I make. I want to try more patternless pieces, designed by myself. Can't wait! 
  4. I want to keep my room clean!!! I have a hard time keeping it nice and tidy at all times since I'm going all the time! Ugh!
  5. I want to finally get my license. I've been procrastinating on drivers ed. Luckily I have lots of time still...but it would be nice to have - soon!
  6. Do "This is not a book!" by Keri Smith - got it for Christmas, and I want to finish it by the end of the year! You'll probably get a few updates - it's a hilarious book. 
  7. Learn guitar! I've had my guitar - a really, really nice 20 year old Martin since last April, given to me by my Papa, and I haven't learned it yet! FAIL.
  8. Do an in-depth study on the books of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and I and II Chronicles. I have loved those books for a long time, and I really want to study them more.
  9. Cook more! I want to try and cook dinner for my family once a week! I love it, but never do it. I need to get on that! 
  10. Wake up earlier. I seriously need to work on that one. No more laziness! It's so terrible - and I want more time in my day! Also go to bed earlier. Ugh......
  11. Do my senior year over summer - I'm going to try so hard to get it done! I can't wait to take that challenge on and try to finish early!
  12. Work more! Whether it's getting a job or putting my name on the lists are all of the resorts & getting approved as a nanny - who knows. But I want to work! I love it too much not to!
And there you have it! :) My 2012 goals. There are of course more, but these are the main one. I didn't put "get closer to God" on there, because that is something I want to and think we all should strive to do each and every day - no matter the decade, year, month, week, day, hour.

What's your biggest goal for this year?


  1. To get healthy.. physically and emotionally :)

    Happy New Year.. Great resolutions!

  2. To somehow see one of my best friends from Cali!
