
seattle bound: t-minus five days

Guess who's taking a trip to Seattle, with her favorite men ever? Yes! that's right! :) So incredibly excited, y'all. Next week my dad, uncle, grandfather, brother and I hop on a plane and head to Seattle for a fun filled four day weekend in the city of rain! I am, as I previously stated, so excited.

While the whole reason we're going is to go to the Seattle boat show, I of course have a few other stops planned. I want to hit up at least one or two of the amazing thrift/antique stores that inhabit the city - I have looked a few up, but if you know of any that I just cannot miss, please let me know!

I also started a new coat last night - and I am so in love. I was so worried at the first snip of fabric, because, for one, I've never made something like this before in my life. Dresses are so easy to make, in my opinion. And secondly, I. Don't. Have. A pattern.

I know what you're thinking, I'm crazy, silly, irrationally clueless, I know, I know. But. I knew what I wanted. I sketched it out. And I did the bodice part of an old pattern to get the general shape - but the rest is just solely by guessing...and I'm seriously hoping it all works out - so far I have the jacket/coat part done, and fully lined, with the exception of the sleeves....it's such a pretty color! I can't wait till it's done, and I can show you all :) It will be lovely.

My favorite part though, I think, will be the fact that I'm using my great grandmother's buttons for it. They're so cute, and totally give it that quirky/unique/vintage spin.

Annnnnnyway....just wanted to share all that stuff....now I'm back to finishing the coat! have a wonderful evening!


  1. man.. i wish so badly i could design clothes or design anything for that matter. i cant wait to see this coat! i think anything someone makes themselves is so great just because of what it is.. its so unique. post asap!

  2. Have fun in Seattle this weekend! That's one part of the country I've never been and I'm super jealous. Good luck on the jacket too! I'd be terrified of even trying. Can't wait to see pictures!

  3. Have a wonderful trip, Ruthanne! I just nominated your blog for an award if you want to check it out! http://kinder-words.blogspot.com/2012/01/while-i-was-away.html

