
ryan gosling: hey, girl.

Do you follow me on pinterest? If you do...you witnessed my obsession with the "hey, girl" pictures last week...but if you don't, well, you're in for some giggles.....

Go pee now - so you start off with an empty bladder and decrease the risk of wetting yourself. Seriously, folks.....

Ready? (note: the only people who really get these things are the people who are into crafts and blogs and all that....so........it's like we have a cult. i likeeeee...) I'm only giving you some of them. for the rest go check out my "hey, girl" board on pinterest. :) enjoy.



 and for my favorites.....

Hope that gave you a chuckle or two ;) 



  1. Dead. Absolutely dead.

    I just have one question: Would he argue with me over a $15 library fine? Cause that's more how I roll haha

    love these!

  2. lol love these.. and ryan... uh yum! lol

  3. OH my goodness!!!! These are too funny!!!!! Definitely got my laugh for the day. ;)

  4. The library card one.... ohmigosh.... and the crochet one. Only I'm more apt to knit or play guitar for six hours instead of crochet.... but whatever. xD

    (hey, I tried commenting on your study help post like 50 times but I don't think it ever went through.... just thought I'd let you know)

  5. Hahah these have always been my favorite. It just makes me love him a little more. :)

  6. Tagged you in my blog post today! xoxo.

  7. Haha! I love this! It is like our own secret inside joke, right!?! LOVE the booth one! If anyone could get people to sign up for a newsletter it would be him! ;)
